3 Fallacies About the Future of Work
Often, asking our parents for advice about work can be outdated because what was true for them when they were in school is no longer true for their children. I...
Often, asking our parents for advice about work can be outdated because what was true for them when they were in school is no longer true for their children. I...
When I am acting like a “human doing,” my self-esteem comes from what I DO, rather than who I AM. I equate my self-worth with how much I get done...
A guy I know once said, “I don’t want to hear how great your life is. Tell me your shit. I want to know you know where I’ve been. Then...
I’ve been trying to find the perfect formula for my life; the perfect set of rules to live by so that I never have to be uncomfortable. Life really, really...
When did “self-care” become synonymous with getting our nails done? For the record, I love having my nails done, but it’s not self-care. My Self doesn’t need pretty nails; my...
Once you know what’s important to you and what motivates you, it opens up multiple pathways and choices. The dark horses Rose interviewed tried multiple paths to get where they...
“Treat your job search like your job.” This conventional job search advice makes me cringe.
The vast majority of employees don’t like their jobs, according to a Gallup poll, yet they stay, either because they don’t know what else to do or are banking on...
The team with the best thinking wins. Teams that believe they can win, will. Missed shots and sloppy passes won't get in their heads.
Everyone has a box that confines our thinking. It’s defined by our experiences and how we interpret them; what we were taught by the adults who raised us; the society...
Confession #1: I don’t like setting goals. They scare me.
Here’s the problem with perfectionists. We try to figure out all the steps, rabbit holes, potential problems before we take a single action. We want to know everything ahead of...
Here’s the beauty of taking a break: perspective.
I realized what my problem is: I have an "auto-response." Every time she sends an email, I think, “It’s probably something really good and I should read/do/participate in whatever she’s...
Hear me out; I’m not saying that panic is a good a thing. I’m saying that questioning our belief systems is a good thing. Most of us don’t change until we have to.
A couple weeks ago, I had one of those days (weeks, actually). In addition to setting my dishwasher on fire (you can read about that little incident here), my leaky...
I am the only person I know who can start a fire in a dishwasher while it’s running. This takes a special, Houdini-like talent.
Stop relying on a job site to find a job. Job sites are helpful; they just aren’t all that helpful in getting an interview, which is the first step in securing...
I see this with many high-performers: they are constantly chasing improvements, but the goal post is always moving. When my day is a constant barrage of “I need to get...
When the foundation we’ve built our lives on and the path we’ve planned no longer takes us where we want to go, it’s time for an awakening.