How to Conduct a Job Search that Doesn't Completely Suck
Anytime I’ve had to look for a job, it seems fraught with gut wrenching anxiety from the first time I edit my resume to the time I finally hear the...
Anytime I’ve had to look for a job, it seems fraught with gut wrenching anxiety from the first time I edit my resume to the time I finally hear the...
This past Saturday I led a free workshop in which I taught participants to use one of my favorite "make the crazy in the brain stop" tools. The workshop went...
The hardest part of writing a resume is often coming up with your achievements and condensing them into a bullet point. Watch this (entertaining?) video for a quick, mad-libs-style tutorial...
The more I pay attention to what makes good leaders, I see how trapped many of us are by our perfectionism without even realizing it. In fact, what they found is...
week, I am providing a video that goes into more detail about how to overcome resume writer’s block. It’s my first-ever video (yikes). Let me know what you think.
Last week I had the pleasure of attending an event, “Piloting Your Nonprofit Career” put on by The panel discussion provided helpful insight about how to get into a...
Here are the top 5 reasons I’ve heard from clients that cause people to procrastinate, and why they shouldn’t. People procrastinate is that they are uncomfortable talking about themselves, they...
To be honest, life has thrown me some curve balls lately that have put me smack-dab in the middle of a big pity party. Since life is not all unicorns,...
I am lucky. I have the best job in the world. For me. I get to help people. I get to write about whatever I want. I get to teach...
In my experience, we often sell ourselves short. We are our own worst critics. What we think we can get is much different from what’s actually possible for us. We...
Setting an intention is a real thing. I mean, it actually works.
I don’t know about you, but it has taken me a loooong time to find a career I love. Figuring out what I wanted to be when I grew up...
Let me start by saying that I don’t really like networking. At least, not in the typical ways we may think about it. Loud rooms full of strangers smiling too...
The reason to work with a coach is because your current thinking is what got you stuck in the first place. To get un-stuck, you need a different perspective and...
We often make the mistake of thinking that a resume crammed with skills and information detailing every task during our tenure at a company is necessary to get us a...
One of my clients was having a difficult finding a job. He was doing everything right – networking, reaching out, following up, applying, customizing his resume and cover letter for...
A friend and I have long debated the purpose of college. I’ve always believed in the universal value of a liberal arts degree. I prefer the idea of a classical...
Below is an interview with Rick Huddle that shows how he evolved from being a project manager for a construction HVAC company into a children’s storyteller.
Have you ever been on vacation and said to yourself, “I could live here. Why don’t I just move?” And then reality smacks you in the face: you have RESPONSIBILITIES and...
My mission is to help people identify and pursue work they love. Many of us dream about breaking free from our office cubicles, but find the “golden handcuffs” — the...