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Hi, I’m Paige.

A recovering perfectionist.

Why does that matter? 

Because perfectionism causes a lot of “grind.” It makes my mind noisy with criticism, unleashes self-doubt and causes paralysis by analysis. When perfectionism takes over, I tend to people-please, procrastinate, overthink, overwork, overplan, and overdo.

My own journey with perfectionism has taught me we all get in our own way and we all get stuck. 

By understanding how perfectionism operates, I’ve gained perspective, peace of mind and have way more fun. 

Regardless of your job title, industry or background, you can find freedom from this kind of grind.  

Perfectionism …It's the belief that if we do things perfectly and look perfect, we can minimize or avoid the pain of blame, judgment, and shame. Perfectionism is not the key to success.

— Brene Brown

Let me back up...

I am a middle child, always striving to be noticed. I got really good at being good because it garnered praise and prevented criticism. I believed if I could do, be and look perfect, I would be happy. 

Instead, trying to be perfect in all the ways eventually led to some personal “awakenings.“ 

Anorexic at 13. 

Divorced at 30.

Fired at 33.

Chucked the old career and started a new one at 48.

Sober at 49. 

Each “awakening” became a breakthrough, bringing me closer to knowing myself, accepting who I am and discovering my purpose is in this world: to help people navigate journeys similar to mine.

Perfectionism steals dreams.

For 15 years, I had jobs that were not right. Not the right position. Not the right company. Not the right boss. Not the right industry. I knew they were not right for me in my gut, but I didn’t know what was right, nor did I have any process for figuring it out. Wherever I went, there I was: unfulfilled, bored, and frustrated.

Finally, I had to admit that the common denominator was me, and that in order to find what I really wanted to do and why I'm here on this planet, I needed to focus on what I could control: me. 

I’d considered career coaching in 2008, but dismissed it, giving excuses like It wasn’t realistic. I just couldn’t afford it. Why would anyone want to listen to me?

This is how my perfectionist inner critic shows up when it is scared: It tells me the solution isn't perfect. 

​I realize, now, that I was afraid of getting it wrong, of making a mistake, or of looking foolish. Being afraid kept me stuck, and my perfectionist was really good at scaring me.

Because the grind starts in our minds. 

How We Stop the Grind

A Safe Space to Dream

When you feel safe, you can allow yourself to dream and to be really honest with yourself. Understand how perfectionism gets in your way and causes you to grind. Remember your dreams or imagine a new one.

Some Nerdy Neuroscience Stuff

Your brain is designed to get in your way. It's 100% normal — just not all that helpful. Understanding how and why your brain gets in your way as perfectionism takes away its power.

A New Way to See

Perfectionism makes us grind by bombarding us with "have-to's," "shoulds," and "I can't because..." By (gently) challenging these beliefs, you open up a whole new world. Let's show it who's the boss.

Release Old Patterns

Lucky for you, I'm trained in an emotional release technique that unblocks stuck emotions that keep us trapped in negative patterns. Say "peace out" to your obstacles.

Practical Tools for Life

I believe in tools and in practicing them. Without practice, the tools don't do much good. I have a variety of tools that apply to every aspect of life.

Trust, Self-Confidence & Peace of Mind

Learn to hear your inner wisdom again and to trust it. Gain confidence in yourself and spend less time worrying. Create your own rules for living your best life.

The Deets on Me

I’ve had three distinct careers: high school English teacher; advertising/marketing/content creator, and now, professional Coach for the past nine years. I’m an ICF-Certified Professional Coach; an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner; as well as a RIM Facilitator, and I have an MA in English.  

This means I’m a certified executive coach and life coach who has worked with hundreds of people in dozens of industries to help them learn how to get out of their own way. Through our work together, clients have stopped grinding at life, and instead, started embracing who they are really meant to be without perfectionism in the driver’s seat.